Instinto de Supervivencia


Quería siempre tenerla a la vista, saber donde estaba. Aunque verla le recordase que todo podía salir mal, torcerse, que las tragedias ocurren. Mientras todo anduviese según lo previsto, la prefería oculta, callada en un rincón. Pero cuando las cosas se ponían negras la quería obvia, abierta, directa. 

Ella lo vio desde que entró por la puerta grande. El la miró de reojo, esperando no tener que acercarse a ella en toda la noche pero secretamente reconfortado por saberla allí. Mientras las demás sabían incitarle con discreta elegancia ella le llamó a gritos, estridente desde su esquina. Ella no estaba hecha para pasar desapercibida, llamaba la atención de mala manera. Era ancha, fea, barata. 

Quería que le entrarán, pero sólo servía para salir, alguna vez y nada más. Nunca se cerraba, siempre la empujaban, era una salida: Una salida de emergencia.

Survival Instinct
 He wanted to have her always on sight, to know exactly where she was. Even if seeing her only reminded him that everything could go wrong, that shit happens. As long as everything went according to plan, he rather her concealed, quiet in her corner. But whenever things got out of hand he wanted her obvios, open and direct.

She saw him as soon as he entered the room through the main, pretencious, revolving doors. He looked at her from the corner of his eye, hoping not to need comming anywhere near her during the whole evening, but secretly reconforted by knowing her there. While the rest knew how to lure him in with discrete elegance, she needed to shout at him, raucously from her corner. She just wasn't made to go by unnoticed, and would draw attention in a bad way. She was wide, ugly, cheap. 

She wanted to let people in but  was made just to go out with once. She would never close up, and was always pushed around, she was out there, a way out. She was his emergency exit.

Wolfgang Tillmans
Alex Lutz back
